Coated paper will allow ink to sit on its surface and make images sharp and zingy

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Southern Flights

An energetic and fun company offering balloon flights in the South of England.


To give life and vibrancy to a enjoyable pastime, but more importantly to reflect the nature of the business and really sell the product.

what we did

Flying in a balloon is a unique experience, one which we communicated with lots of beautiful shots of the landscape but from a balloons unique and serene perspective, complete with a shadow cast across the landscape and coloured maps. With a differing colour for each of the areas they offer flights in, we used their own photography slightly smaller to mask its lack of quality, and injected an element of fun and movement with bold and courageous script headings in bright colours. Using a dark blue in caps to bring an air of credibility and information to the site, matching ease of use with a fun lifestyle to really sell.


Southern Flights are delighted with their new website, its bold and fun and inject that sense of excitement and 'I want to fly' - vital to increase sales.