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Exhibiting can be a very powerful business-generating tool. At an exhibition, suppliers can physically demonstrate product benefits, and visitors can see, touch, taste, smell, hear, and judge, for themselves. It can:

Build your Brand image
Be a launch pad for new products
Build customer relations
Target your market
Display products to a large 'captive' audience
Develop sales leads home and abroad

You can also meet your competition and:

Evaluate Products & Suppliers
Keep abreast of industry and market developments
Develop business contacts

You can spend as little or as much on the design for your stand. However along with the basic costs there are also a myriad of other hidden costs involved from the furniture, lighting and carpets to other considerations that an exhibition specialist will be able to advise.

The most economic, easy & flexible display solution is to have some banner stands or pop-up stands designed. These are portable and can be used over and over again.

We would design your stand to give maximum impact, be on-brand, and make sure images are created to the right size and text legible.

Also DON'T FORGET! You will need some brochures or flyers for people to take away, and you also might consider some sort of promotional item to give away too - all on-brand of course!!