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Dance Holidays

A specialist travel company offering holidays with dancing across many styles and sectors.


To create a new brand and brochure to raise their profile, increase sales and more accurately reflect the expertise and fun of the holidays.

what we did

Initially we looked at the core values of Dance Holidays and what that meant to all involved. The new logo needed to sum up all the different dance styles (what might work for Line Dancing wouldn't be appropriate for Flamenco) They had to look credible; customers would need to know that they and their money were safe. But overall it had to look fun! Learning to dance combined with a holiday led us to use the common element of feet - dance steps for learning and footprints in the sand for the holiday, that also look like little islands! We added arrows for movement both around the world and in dance that encompass the logo in a bright sunshine sandy colour. We selected a quirky, lowercase font for approachability along with a serif and strong red and blue to give more strength and respectability. All these elements together subliminally communicate dance and travel, a balance of fun and trust, eluding to dance generically and not one dance style avoiding excluding anyone. With such a broad target audience to appeal to this logo addressed so many issues successfully. We extended the logo into a brand identity, using the footprints as a basis and a rainbow colour palette, assigning each dance style its own relevant colour, we created and myriad of brand extensions, ones that could be lifted and used separately and would have appeal to each target market. So fiery red for Tango with all its passion, hot orange for Salsa for energy and heat.


With a new logo Dance Holidays became quickly known as the only Dance Holiday company, they achieved 'Brand Call' where they were used as the generic term for their type of holiday, a rare thing in today's market. Together with a new brochure using the new brand identity cleverly, their sales increased over 100%. So successful, they have created a Dance community and operate all over the world.